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While Reznikov is vigorously defending the ministry¡¯s contract, Deputy Minister of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development Vasyl Lozynskiy was fired almost immediately. The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) reported the deputy minister was busted while accepting a $400,000 bribe for facilitating an overpriced power-generating equipment purchase.
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Nikolov has been investigating corruption involving state procurement for more than 10 years. Like many other Ukrainian journalists, he stopped criticizing the Ukrainian government so as not to undermine trust in Ukrainian leaders during the full-scale invasion during the first sixth months of 2022.
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However, since the end of summer, Nikolov¡¯s sources in the government started alerting him to dubious defense procurement hidden from the public. Then, in December, his sources in the armed forces sent him the contract on food and catering services worth 13 billion hryvnias that lies at the heart of the current uproar. The defense ministry signed the deal with a firm affiliated with former defense officials.
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According to the contract, Ukrainian military units stationed in Poltava, Sumy, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, and Cherkasy regions were supposed to receive popular food products for prices two or three times higher than they cost on the market. And those units were stationed far from the frontline, where the dangerous delivery lines can indeed make purchases more expensive.
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