ÃÖÃÊ ½ÇÀü¿î¿ëÀ» ½ÃÀÛÇÑ GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb

ºñ°Õ | 2006-10-06 10:54:42

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061005-F-F-15E 494th Expeditionary FS employ the Guided Bomb Unit-39B small diameter bomb at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England.jpg
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061004-F-secures a weapons carriage with GBU-39B small diameter bombs to an F-15E Strike Eagle.jpg
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061004-F-upload a weapons carriage with GBU-39B small diameter bombs to the underside of an F-15E Strike Eagle.jpg
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061005-F-Four GBU-39B SDB to the underside of the F-15E before it flies the first sortie carrying the new munition into combat.jpg
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061005-F-move a weapons carriage with GBU-39B small diameter bombs attached to an F-15E Strike Eagle for uploading.jpg



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