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¡°Before a battle, they would make a shallow cut and put powder in. Afterward, I didn't see any human being having value.¡±
-Alleu Bangaru, 14
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The True Horror of Being a Child Soldier--Stories Told By Veterans:
Unwilling Soldiers

¡°I was on my way to the market when a rebel demanded I come with him. The commander said to move ahead with him. My grandmother argued with him. He shot her twice. I said he should kill me, too. They tied my elbows behind my back. At the base they locked me in the toilet for two days. When they left me out, they carved the letters RUF across my chest. They tied me so I wouldn¡¯t rub it until it healed¡± -Abbas Fofanah, 16
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Horrendous Acts

¡°When we caught kamajors (pro-government militiamen) we would mutilate them by parts and display them in the streets. When villagers refused to clear out of an area we would strip them naked and burn them to death. Sometimes we used plastic and sometimes a tire. Sometimes they would partially sever a person¡¯s neck and then leave them on the road to die slowly¡¦ We gang-raped women, sometimes six people at a time. I didn¡¯t feel much because I was drugged and was just there for sex. One of my friends was having sex with a girl when she complained she was tired. He took out his pistol and shot into her vagina¡¦ We killed people, we cooked them, we ate them, and then we broke their pots¡± -Abdul Rahman Kamera, 15

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¡°My schoolmates and I met our old teacher , and we knocked him down. We killed the teacher and we took his books and burned them, and then we took some of the papers to the toilet to wipe ourselves.¡± -Abdul
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¡°The (older rebels) would (impale people) when the drugs had taken hold and they wanted to play wicked games. They want to see blood. Some of them drink blood. Especially on the war fronts where there¡¯s no food, no water, when we killed civilians, we would cut a hole on the top of the arm, above the wrist, and press on the arm, and drink.¡± -Zakaria Turay, 14
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