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"Helicopters are an important asset to SFOR, providing flexibility and high mobility in a number of areas. They are particularly valuable in rugged terrain such as that offered by BiH, allowing fast deployment, medical evacuations, and supply work."

Multinational Division North

Understanding the offensive potential of the air assets is very important for the Forward Air Controller. American Lt. Sean Demeule briefs TACPs members on the AH-64A Apache helicopter's attack capabilities.

An OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter prepares to take-off from Comanche base in Multinational Division North. Note the Mast-Mounted Sight on the rotor head.

The AH-64 all weather attack helicopter, part of the 3rd Battalion, 229 Aviation Reg. during Task Force Angel, Tuzla.

A medically utilized UH-60 Blachawk of the 1-26 Air Medical Coy, Tuzla.

Polish soldiers transport one of their 'injured' soldiers to a US helicopter for medical evacuation to the divsional hospital in MNDN. Other than fire power, surveillance and transport, helicopters offer critical force protection with their ability to react to emergency situations.

An American 4th Aviation Brigade Blackhawk helicopter carries a HMMWV near camp Dobol on June 30, 1998.

A U.S. UH-60 Blackhawk MEDEVAC helicopter takes off with its load of 'injured' soldiers during an SFOR multinational exercise held in Multinational Division North.

A Polish soldier guiding an American helicopter during exercisies.

Multinational Division South West

SFOR makes extensive use of helicopters to carry out its missions in BiH. One of the helicopters you may often see flying is the UK Army Air Corps Lynx, seen here taking off from Ploce, Croatia. The Lynx is one of the mainstays of the British Army. It can be used for fire support, can carry TOW and machine guns, do troop lifts, casualty evacuations and many more vital battlefield tasks. However, one main purpose in BiH is moving troops and or dignitaries from one place to another.

Royal Navy Sea King helicopter from the 845 Naval Air Squadron Sipovo.

U.K. Army Air Corps Lynx taking off from Ilidza.

U.K. CH-47 Chinook flying over BiH.

A U.K. Chinook helicopter puts U.K. Army personnel on the tarmac at Banja Luka Airport during Exercise Iron Tecumseh.

Czech Republic HI- 17 helicopter landing in Ilidza.

After disembarking soldiers in Banja Luka, an RAF Chinook of the SHF takes off again, destination homebase at Divulje Barracks, Split, Croatia.

The helipad at Gola Peak is not bigger than a postage stamp and it it not level, but it does not seem to worry the two pilots on the Czech Hip helicopte., They land and lift the aircraft as if they hve done it eveyday of their lives.

A British Lynx helicopter takes off from Ilidza helipad in Sarajevo.

Under-slung from a Chinook helicopter a Landrover and its trailer is brought in to Fly-Forward HQ area along with deploying UK-personnel.

A UK Sea King helicopter hovers to allow artillerymen to fast rope onto the Barbara Range in Glamoc.

Multinational Division South East

Italian TORO SQDRN UH-1 over Sarajevo.

A French Cougar flies above Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Because of the hight of Mt. Bjelasnica, most of the year it is only accessible by the German CH-53 helicopters which bring in supplies.

Spanish soldiers working on the general maintenance of one of the 11 helicopters of the BATALAT, a UH-1H.

A German CH-53 Helicopter hovers in mid-air as French soldiers prepare a VBL for sling loading, during Joint Resolve XI.

Capt. Heinz Binder (right), Cpl. Peter Schhoene, Cpl. Chief Jurgen Hagemann and Capt. Hugo Heinz in front of their CH-53G helicopter from the Mittleheeresflieger Transport Staffel, based in Rajlovac.

Operation Gloria reaches its climax as French Chasseurs leap from a German CH53G at a landing zone in Vitkovici near Gorazde on June 6. the exercise invoved soldiers and machines from France, Germany, Morocco, Spain, Portugal and America.

A German CH53 helicopter delivers a French VBL (vehicule blinde leger) reconnaissance vehicle during an exercise of SFOR's Quick Reaction Forces in southern Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Pilot Sgt. Pierre Bonet watches as his Puma undergoes post-repair testing in BATALAT HQ, Port of Ploce, Croatia.

Moroccan troops board a German CH-53 helicopter in the exercise area near Nevesinje in MND-SE.

A German CH53 drops a French VBL (Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle) during a presentation of MND-SEs QRF depolyment capabilities.

German CH-53s, Multinational Division South East helicopter assets under control of Batalat, landing during a Divisional Reserve Exercise.

Time to move. A French soldier readies to move out after dismounting from a Puma at the Vitkovici HLZ during Operation Gloria.

A sling loaded French VBL is transported by a CH-53 German Helicopter.

Men of the Italian Army's elite Incursori fast rope onto a building from an Army Aviation AB-412 as part of the regular training carried out during their mission in Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Lt. Roberto Guidolin of the 26th Squadron Group, Giove, pilots his AB205 against a backdrop of Sarajevan tower blocks. The AB205- the Italian version of the UH-1H -can transport up to 13 peope including two pilots. It can carry a mixed armament of two M134, 7.62 cal. machine guns and two M158 A1 2.75 cal. rocket launchers or two MG42/59 machine guns.

Italian aircrew at work in Rajlovac helipad.


Operation Gloria reaches its climax as French Chasseurs deploy from a German CH53G at a landing zone in Vitkovici near Gorazde on June 6, 1998. The exercise involved soldiers from France, Germany, Morocco, Spain, Portugal and America.

A U.S. 4th Aviation brigade AH 64 Apache launches its missiles into hard targets during the live-fire demo that marked the climax of

Exercise Loir Isole.

Moroccan SFOR soldiers dismount from a U.S. 4th Aviation Brigade UH-60 Blackhawk during Exercise Joint Resolve 5.

A U.S. Marine Corps Medium Helicopter Squadron 264, UHN-1N Huey , touches down in Sokolac during Exercise Dynamic Response '98.

Marines of the 26th MEU Combat Cargo Team at work loading a helicopter on the flight deck of USS WASP during Exercise Dynamic Response '98.

Swedish infantrymen deploy from a U.S. 4th Aviation Company Blackhawk during a Divisional Reserve Exercise in Camp Dobol, Multinational Division North, Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Ground troops take up position after dismounting from a Strategic Reserve Force Italian Navy SH-3D helicopter.

U.S. Army AH-64A Apache helicopter of the SFOR Operational Reserves (OPRES) during a live-fire exercise.

An Argentinean Multinational Specialised Unit Team undertakes a helicopter deployment exercise during an 11-day complementary exercise.

A U.., Apache of the SFOR Reserves carries out a tactical approach onto the Barbara Range, seeking hard targets for its array of armament.

SFOR Operational Reserve Force Blackhawks lift off after disembarking Norwegian soldiers during a deployment exercise.

A U.S. Marine Corps Medium Helicopter Squadron 264, Chinook CH-46E Sea Knigt, lifts off from the landing zone in Sokolac.

Operational Reserve Exercise in Multinational Division South East. A U.S. 4th Aviation Brigade UH-60 Blackhawk comes in to land with a full complement of Moroccan soldiers aboard.

Soldiers of a Swedish mechanised rifle company, part of COMSFOR's Operational Reserve deploy from an American 4th Aviation Brigade Blackhawk helicopter during a training exercise on June 30, 1998.

As part of the exercise scenario, the Swedes were to take over guard duties at Camp Dobol.

Four Blackhawk helicopters fill the sky as they provide support to a joint Norwegian-American re-deployment exercise, landing and later picking up soldiers from the field.

A Norwegian soldier of the Telemark Company runs to board a US Blackhawk as his platoon is extracted at the end of a successful Operational Reserve Exercise.

AAC Lynx over Camp Butmir

Lt. Craig Trott (Royal Navy attached to UK Army Air Corps) holds his

Mk 9 Lynx in a spectacular pose. In centre background is the HQ SFOR, Flag Circle, Camp Butmir.

MSU Helicopter Training

Romanian members of the Multinational Specialised Unit dismount from a U.S. Blackhawk during deployment training. From 30 Oct. 2000 to 1 Feb. 2001 at Archer Base, Butmir, Multinational Specialised Unit (MSU) companies are carrying out both cold and hot load training with Operational Reserve (Air) helicopters. The aim is to better prepare these units for rapid and safe air movement and to maintain rapid reaction force coverage across BiH to guarantee a peaceful and stable environment.

The Italian platoon loads the aircraft in a single row. The Carabinieri are wearing their full antiriot equipment.

The Carabinieri have to be able to dismount from the helicopter in less than 30 seconds.

1Lt. Radu Prisecaru, right, is the Romanian platoon leader. He and his policemen wait for the crew's hand signals to execute the unloading of the aircraft.

American Pfc. Robert Pacheco, member of the helicopter crew, explains all about the aircraft during the 밹old training?for the Carabinieri soldiers.

Before the 밾ot training,?it's the time for the 밹old?one. One member of the helicopter crew explains the safety rules and the way to work with helicopters, just like Pfc. Robert Pacheco, US, does for the Romanian platoon.

Nations of SFOR: Italy, US, Romania

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Condor takes flight

German CH53 helicopters were used to fly in troops. Here, a French unit regroups before marching toward the threatened Mintlander village.

A French soldier secures the area with the 밃PILAS?anti-armour rocket launcher.

A German soldier keeps a watchful eye through the sights of his 7.62 machine-gun.

German soldiers regroup after the landing, securing the landing-zone before the next helicopter arrives.

German soldiers halt and observe before moving in to secure Mintlanders against Cherries.

Haubt Gefreiter Stefan Dockendorf enjoys exercises in the fields. Here he secures a landing-zone where VBL-vehicles are soon to be slung.

The 3.5-ton VBL vehicle stands firmly on the ground after its ride through the air. Its crew, quickly dispatched from the womb of the Black-Hawk, ready to ride.

A French soldier fits his 7.62 cal. to a VBL-armoured vehicle. All outdoor equipment must be stripped off before helicopter transport.

Advanced satellite equipment ensures secure information-passage

to the MND-command.

Nations of SFOR: Germany, France

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Sea Kings move

Taking off in Sipovo.

A UK Air Engineer Mechanic assists in the launch of a Sea King Mark IV

at DJ Barracks.

UK Navy Lt. Jolyon Woodard preparing to lift off in a Sea King Mark IV on a mission to Sipovo.

Air Engineer Mechanic (AEM) Stewart Spencer prepares a

Sea King Mark IV for lift-off.

Air Engineer Mechanic (AEM) Stewart Spencer prepares a

Sea King Mark IV for lift-off.

Taking off in Sipovo.

Maintenance takes place on a Sea King.

One of the two Sea Kings of 845 Royal Naval Air Squadron (NAS) waits at DJ Barracks for rotation to the hospital at Sipovo.

Nations of SFOR: UK

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The Support Helicopter Force of DJ Barracks

A Sea King of the Royal Navy comes back from the "Blue Light" exercise that took place close to Velika Kladusa.

Sgt. Jase Hollingsworth checks his headphones, his only means to communicate during the flight.

Specialist Richard Cannings checks the electrical circuits of the CH-47 Chinook before its takeoff.

Cpl. Tubman awaiting the arrival of the CH-47 Chinook for load weight testing.

To insure the Chinook is in perfect state requires a good sense balance, as shown by Sgt Jase Hollingsworth.

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Air operations in Ploce

A French Puma in flight.

Regular maintenance is vital before taking on any flight missions.

Staff Sgt. Guerin La Zup prepares his Puma before it heads off another mission.

Sgt. Ludovic Knipping, from the Light Helicopter Squadron, lubricates the joints on the propellers prior to a flight.

The firemen in the fire station right next to the helipad have to be ready so they perform drills to make sure everything is in top condition.

A French Gazelle takes off from Ploce for Mostar.

Nations of SFOR: France

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Spanish Helicopter Unit, SPAHEL

Lance Cpl. Manuel Aguila Villa ensures that everything is right in the helicopter turbine.

"Everything is okay." helicopter pilots, Lt. Juan Carlos Ruiz Gonzalez, left, and Staff Sgt. Juan Antonio Fernandez Soler, right, are ready to take off.

Left, Sgt. Jaime Muelas Delgado, helicopter mechanic, and right, Lance Cpl. Manuel Aguila Villa, both members of the Spanish crew, check their helicopter before every flight.

Sgt. Jaime Muelas Delgado checks the helicopter rotor head as he always does before every flight. Security is one of the most important duties for these people.

During the engine start up the whole crew has to be very careful. As a mandatory security requirement, Sgt. Jaime Muelas Delgado holds a fire extinguisher, "just in case," while Lance Cpl. Manuel Aguila Villa keeps the other side of the helo under control.

Nations of SFOR: Spain

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