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TYPE 214

±×¸®½º°¡ ÁÖ¹®ÇÑ 4ôÀÇ 214±Þ Àá¼öÇÔ(Katsonis, Papanikolis, Pipinos, Matrozos) Áß ÇÑôÀ¸·Î º¸ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.

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F-16E/F Block 60, µ¶ÀÏ 214±Þ Àá¼öÇÔ,·¹¿ÀÆĵå 2A6 HEL(ÁÖ¹®ÀÚ ¿ä±¸¿¡ ¸Â°Ô °³Á¶ÇÑ ÃÖ½ÅÇü ·¹¿ÀÆĵå 2A6 EX ¹öÁ¯), PZH 2000 ÀÚÁÖÆ÷, ·¯½Ã¾Æ Áêºê¸£ ...

Submarines - Class 214

Main Features
Length ca. 65 m
Pressure chamber ¨ª 6,3 m
Displacement ca. 1700 t
Number of the torpedo tubes 8
Crew 30
Transmission drive Diesel - electric / Fuel cell unit

No. Country Name of ship

HDW¡¯s latest submarine type is the 214 class. It is based on the successful design of the Class 209 submarine and has been further enhanced by integrating the innovative features of the 212A class.

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