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1. HMS Ark Royal(R07) - http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/static/pages/1891.html

HMS Ark Royal is larger than her 2 sisters, Invincible and Illustrious, at 210 metres (683 feet) long. She has a maximum beam of 36 metres (117 feet) and a displacement of 20,000 tonnes.

4 Olympus gas turbine engines (like Concorde¡¯s) propel the ship, which give a maximum speed in excess of 30 knots. A steeper ski jump than in the other ships of this class is fitted at the forward end of the flight deck.

HMS Ark Royal is planned to remain in active service until 2015 when the next generation of aircraft carriers will enter service.

The Ship's motto is 'Zeal Does Not Rest' -½°¾øÀÌ ¿­½ÉÈ÷..

2. HMS Illustrious(R06) - http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/static/pages/672.html

Having sailed out of an extensive two-year refit from Rosyth Dockyard at the beginning of November 2004, Illustrious returned to her homeport of Portsmouth , Hampshire in time for Christmas. Post refit, she is now undertaking the rigours and challenges of an extensive period of sea trials as she prepares, once again, to become the Fleet Flagship this summer.

No other platform provides the flexibility, power projection capability and command and control facilities of an aircraft carrier. As the politics of the World change, the United Kingdom relies increasingly on Illustrious as an important enabler of foreign policy.

The ship's motto is "Vox Non Incerta" meaning "No Uncertain Sound."-È®½ÇÇÑ Àڱ⠸ñ¼Ò¸®?(¿ª»çÀû Àǹ̰¡ ÀÖ´Â °Í °°À½)

3. HMS Invincible(R05) - http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/static/pages/1469.html

The present Invincible, is the sixth ship of the Royal Navy to bear the name and the first of the Invincible Class of Anti-Submarine Warfare Carriers, was laid down at the Barrow-in-Furness yard of Vickers Shipbuilders Limited in July 1973 and was launched by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II on 3 May 1977.

On 30 Sep 2003, HMS Invincible assumed the role of "R2" Carrier and Fleet Flagship, ready to deploy anywhere in the world at 48 hours notice in support of UK Government Foreign Policy

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Invincible Class Aircraft Carriers
Name Pennant Number
Invincible RO5
Illustrious RO6
Ark Royal RO7

CVS Statistics
Displacement: 22,000 tonnes
Length: 209.1m / 686ft
Beam: 33.5m / 110ft
Speed: 28 kts
Complement: 685 Ship's company
386 Air Group personnel
Armament: 3 x Phalanx/Goalkeeper (CIWS)
2 x 20mm Close range guns
Aircraft: A mix of Sea Harriers FA2, RAF Harrier GR7, Sea King AEW and Merlin depending on ship's deployment
Propulsion: COGAG (Combined Gas and Gas), 2 Shafts

4 x Gas Turbines producing 72MW

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COGAG : RR Olympus TM3B °¡½ºÅͺó 4´ë, 97,200¸¶·Â, 2ÃàÃßÁø

SAM : Sea Dart 2¿¬Àå ¹ß»ç´ë 2¹®, ¹Ì»çÀÏ 36¹ß

¹ßÄ­ Æȶû½º 20¹Ì¸® CIWS 3¹®, Goal Keeper 30¹Ì¸® CIWS 3¹®,
¿À·¹°ï 20¹Ì¸® GAM-B01 2¹®

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Sea Gnat 6¿¬Àå 130¹Ì¸® äÇÁ 8¹®

Prairie Masker ¼ÒÀ½°¨¼Ò ü°è

Racal Thorn UAT ESM, THORN EMI Type 675(2) Àç¸Ó

ADAWS 10, ¸µÅ© 10,11,14, JTIDS ¸µÅ©16, JMCIS,
Marconi SCOT 2C À§¼ºÅë½Åü°è

- ´ë°øŽ»ö¿ë : Marconi/Signaal Type 1022(D ¹êµå)
- Ç¥¸éŽ»ö : Marconi Type 992R(E/F ¹êµå)
- Ç×ÇØ¿ë : Kelvin Hughes Type 1006
- ¹«±âü°è ÅëÁ¦ : Marconi Type 909 I/J ¹êµå 2´ë

SAM ÅëÁ¦ : GWS 30 Mod 2

- °íÁ¤Àͱâ: ¾¾ Çظ®¾î(FA2) 9´ë¿Í GR7 Çظ®¾î 6´ë
- ȸÀüÀͱâ: ÃÖ´ë 9´ëÀÇ Sea King HAS 6 Çï±â

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