DD 21 Zumwalt Class Multi Mission Destroyers

½ºÄ° | 2004-12-22 22:50:54

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The 32 ship US Navy DD 21 Zumwalt class multimission destroyers will enter service in about 2012. The destroyers will replace Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates (FFG 7) and Spruance class destroyers (DD 963). Unlike previous classes of destroyer, which were primarily to counter deep water threats, the DD 21's primary mission is in providing land attack support for ground forces. The ship is also to carry out traditional destroyer missions of anti-air, anti-surface and undersea warfare.The size of the ships will be determined by the concept design proposals and estimates indicate the ship will probably be in excess of 14,000 tons. The DD 21 designs feature active and passive stealth technologies for low visual, infrared, magnetic and both surface and waterborne acoustic signatures.
Ãâ:world's armed forces

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