µ¶ÀÏÀ°±º ¼ö·ú¾ç¿ë TransportPanzer-Fuchs

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The mobile NBC reconnaissance system's carrier vehicle is the NBC-RS FUCHS (FOX), which is capable of spotting NBC agents in the air and on the ground both quickly and extensively. Thanks to its outstanding all-terrain mobility and amphibious capabilities, the vehicle can be used to detect and measure warfare agents even under difficult external conditions. More than 250 NBC-RS FUCHS vehicles are being used by various armed forces worldwide and have impressively demonstrated their effectiveness and reliability in numerous operations spanning more than a decade.

- Germany 114
- USA 123
- UK 11
- Saudi Arabia 10
- Netherlands 8
- Norway 2

Main features

FUCHS armoured carrier
Integrated identification system for N and C warfare agents
Control by central computer
BIO FOX (development phase)

Technical data

Length Width Height Weight Speed Engine
7.33 m 2.98 m 2.37 m 18.3 t 105 km/h 235 kW

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