¹ÌÇرº ½ÅÇü Å丶ȣũ Block IV °ø°³Çà»ç

ºñ°Õ | 2004-09-30 08:40:01

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The U.S. Navy formally welcomed Raytheon Company¡¯s Tomahawk Block IV cruise missile into the Navy¡¯s arsenal at a fleet introduction ceremony at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The Block IV officially achieved initial operation capability (IOC) on May 27, 2004 with the loading of the first missile aboard the guided missile destroyer USS Stethem (DDG 63). The new capabilities that Block IV Tomahawk brings to the Navy¡¯s sea strike capability are derived from the missile¡¯s two-way satellite data link that enables the missile to respond to changing battlefield conditions. The missile can be redirected to a new target and for the first time it can execute Global Positioning System (GPS) missions. The Tomahawk missile is the Navy¡¯s weapon of choice for critical, long-range precision strike missions against high value, heavily defended targets.

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