AT-12 SWINGER & AT-14 Kornet

±º»ç´ë±¹ | 2004-07-09 19:27:08

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The 9K118 Sheksna (AT-12 SWINGER) is a laser-beam riding, antitank missile launched from the main gun of a an improved T-62 main battle tank. The 9K118 system is essentially a 9K116 system modified to be fired through the 115-mm gun of the T-62 instead of the 100-mm of the T-55.

2.AT-14 Kornet

In October 1994, the KPB Instrument Design Bureau introduced the Kornet (AT-14) ATGM system. The Kornet was developed introducing a laser beam-riding missile with automatic command-to-line of sight (SACLOS) guidance. The operator simply has to keep the sight on the target to ensure a hit. The laser beam-riding system is also less vulnerable to countermeasures. The Kornet was specifically designed to replace the Konkurs, which has been in service with the former Soviet and Russian armies for over twenty years.

The Kornet, which has a claimed ability to penetrate 1100 to 1200 millimeters of steel armor protected by explosive armor, provided a formidable antitank weapon system. However, even with the improved capabilities the Kornet has over earlier systems, an ATGM with all-weather, day or night, immunity to countermeasures, and fire and forget capabilities was still highly desired.


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