SA-6 Gainfull

ºñ°Õ | 2004-06-02 08:44:01

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ZRK-SD Kub 3M9 SA-6 Gainful
System designation Kub (domestic version) or Kvadrat (export version)
Type Mobile tactical air defense complex
Mission Protection of troops and objects of thereof from low-flying airplanes and helicopters of adversary under conditions of jamming and fire counteraction
(The system was reportedly designed to defend advancing Soviet tank divisions in case of the war)
System Developer V.V.Tikhomirov Science and Research Institute of Instrument-Engineering (NIIP)
Chief Designer of the System: Yevgeniy Pigin
Missile Developer State Machine-building Design Bureau ¡ìVympel¡í (Moscow)
Serial Production Facility Ul'yanovsk Mechanical Plant (for launchers and reconnaissance facility)
Development started late 1950s
Testing started 1965 (Army)
Serial Production started 1968 [1] or 1967 [3]
Production ceased 1983 [3] or 1985 [1]
System Composition One Self-Propelled Reconnaissance and Targeting Facility and 4 Self-propelled SAM Launchers, each carrying three missiles (all on tracked chassis). Initial version of the system carried 3M9 missiles, Kub-M3 features 3M9M3 missiles
Probability of kill by one missile (within the lethality envelope) To increase Pk target can be engaged by several missiles, fired from either single or several Launchers
for ¡ìnon manuevering aerodynamic target¡í 0.8-0.9 [1], 0.7-0.8 [2] 0.8-0.95 [3]
for manuevering high-speed target 0.5-0.7 [2]
for cruise missile 0.3-0.4 [1] 0.1-0.3 [2]
Missile Guidance semi-active radar homing
(on recently upgraded complexes TV/optical seeker introduced)
For protection aganst anti-radar missiles seeker of SAM can lock on target mid-air, after launch
Length: 5.8 m
Diameter: 0.335 m
Wing span: 1.245 m
Max speed: Mach 2.8
Launch weight: 599 kg
Max effective range: 24,000 m
24-28 kilometers [1-3] (for M3 and M4 modifications)
Min effective range: 3,700 m
3-3.5 kilometers (for M3 and M4 modifications)
Max effective altitude: 12,000 m 14 kilometers (for M3 and M4 modifications)
Min effective altitude: (radar mode) 100 m
(optical mode) 50 m
25 meters (for M3 and M4 modifications)
Propulsion: integral rocket motor/ramjet booster and sustainer motor assembly
Warhead: 59 kg HE fragmentation with contact and proximity fuzes
Reload time (SPU): 10 min
Time of Deployment for Combat 5 minutes
Reaction Time 20 [1] or 22 [3] seconds between target detection and missile firing
Operational Temperatures -50 C .. + 50 C
Performance Upgrade Activity ¡ìIn the interests of foreign customers¡í NIIP currently upgrades the system to increase efficiency of tracking targets at low altitudes and improve jam-resistance of illumination channel. Work is also underway to increase combat performance can be enhanced by inclusion of a newer 9A310M1 Self-propelling Launcher from Buk-M1 SA-17) system
Exports Was delivered to 22 [1] or 25 [3] countries, including Syria and Yugoslavia. Extensively used in the 1973 Israeli-Arab war (64 airplanes were shot down by 95 fired missiles)
References Krasnaya Zvezda 31 March 1999 p.1

Rossiyskaya Gazeta 30 March 1999 p.7

Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie #12, 2-8 April 1999 p.

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