Ticonderoga (CG 47)class baseline 0/1

ºñ°Õ | 2004-04-28 20:57:23

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Ticonderoga (CG 47)±Þ ¹Ì»çÀÏÀ¯µµ ¼ø¾çÇÔÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
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Baseline 0
USS Ticonderoga (CG 47)
USS Yorktown (CG 48)

CG 47 and 48 have the basic Aegis Mk 7 system, with SPY-1A, Weapons Control System Mk 1, Standard SM-2 MR Block I missiles, and the Mk 116 Mod 4 UBFCS. These first two ships of the class have two SH-2F LAMPS-I helicopters instead of the SH-60B helicopter employed on later cruisers. These two ships used UYK-7 computers. Both have since had their combat systems updated to Baseline 1 status but do not carry towed sonar arrays. Both will have their electronic engineering systems updated to reduce maintenance costs. They are to be updated by builder with Mk 41 vertical missile launch groups in place of the Mk 26 launchers; 62-caliber, extended-range 5-inch guns in place of the Mk 45 mountings; UYK-43 computers in place of the UYK-7 and UYK-20 set; and upgraded weapons control and communications suites

Baseline 1
USS Vincennes (CG 49)
USS Valley Forge (CG 50)
USS Thomas S. Gates (CG 51)

The first five Ticonderoga-class cruisers Ticonderoga through Thomas S. Gates - have an early, less capable version of the Aegis combat system and do not have VLS or the capability to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles. On CG 47-51, each Mk 26 Mod 1 missile-launcher magazine holds 44 missiles; the forward magazine formerly also held 20 ASROC. For Baseline 1 the RAST haul-down and deck-maneuvering system and SQQ-28 helicopter datalink were added for SH-60B LAMPS-III helicopters, SM-2 MR Block II missiles were carried, the Aegis system has improved data displays, and the EW suite was enhanced. Both masts are tripods vice quadripods. These units are to have their electronic engineering systems updated to reduce maintenance costs, the twin Mk 26 missile launchers are to be replaced by Mk 41 vertical launch groups, and the combat systems are to be updated as in the Baseline 0 pair.

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