Roland Anti Aircraft System žÀç ¸¶´õ Àå°©Â÷

ÁøÂ¥ ¹é»ç | 2012-10-28 00:42:40

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The Roland is a very compact mobile short-range air-defense system, which combines all components on one dedicated vehicle. The missile is fired from tube-launchers and has a dual-thrust (boost/sustain) solid-fueled rocket motor. Immediately after the missile has left the tube, four cruciform wings and small canards are extended. The wings and fins are fixed, and the Roland is steered in flight by jet vanes. A semi-automatic line-of-sight radio command guidance system directs the missile to its target, where the 6.5 kg (14.3 lb) pre-fragmented warhead is detonated by a combined proximity/impact fuze.

Exercise Panzer Strike 2012

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Team Spirit '84A member of the 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry, participates in the joint South Korea US Exercise Team...

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