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Ä«ÀÌÀú | 2012-08-12 17:52:27

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IOC¸µÅ©´Â https://secure.registration.olympic.org/en/faq/ask-question



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¡Ú ¿íÀϽÂõ±â(Rising sun flag)=µ¶ÀÏÀÇ ³ªÄ¡Ç¥½Ä

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¿íÀϽÂõ±â ¿µ¹® Ç¥Çö:  Rising Sun Flag 

Àü¹ü±â ¿µ¹® Ç¥Çö: War Crimes

µ¶ÀÏ ³ªÄ¡ ¿µ¹® Ç¥Çö : Swastika



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¾Æ»çÈ÷ ½Å¹®:Rising sun brightens Olympic gymnastics uniforms

Ä£¾ÖÇÏ´Â IOC ÀÇ¿ø ¿©·¯ºÐ, 
Àú´Â Çѱ¹¿¡ »ì°íÀÖ´Â ÇÑ ³²ÀÚÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
Hello to all the IOC members,
I'm a male who is living in Korea.
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The reason I'm sending this email is because I think the Japanese's cheering is disobeying a purpose of hoilnes spirit of the Olympic's which is 'Human peace'.
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Many Japaneses are swinging the 
 flag which is called,'Rising sun' as their players are on the field.
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The 'Rising sun' flag was a naval ensign of the Japen's navy back on the world war 2 and we can easily assume that the 'Rising flag' is an symbol of Japen's imperialism and militarism.ÀÌ´Â 2Â÷¼¼°è´ëÀü´ç½Ã µ¶ÀÏÀÇ ³ªÄ¡ÀÇ ½Éº¼ÀÎ ³ªÄ¡±â¿Í °°Àº ÀηùÀÇ ½½ÇÂ
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The 'Rising sun' is a sad memory of human's war and It has no diffrence of the flag of Nazi's.
The Germans are contributing the Human peace and combine by making using Nazi's flag illegal.
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But Japaneses are still using the 'Rising sun' which symbols human's ugly thirst for conquest and imperialism as a cheer in the Oylmpic which purpose is human peace and combine.
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Many people in Asia's country which was invaded by Japan in the past can't do anything else but clench their fists by anger and cry inside for their ancestors of their's who was sacrificed by them everytime they see Japan's 'Rising sun'.
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It's like Germans swinging Nazi's flag as they cheer their German's players with their match with France in Sports game if that's easiler for you guys to understand.
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The Koreans who endured the disgrace of colony living for decades don't want to see any more of 'Rising sun' that symbols Japan's imperialism in the Olympics which is for human's combine and prosperity.
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If IOC members really contribute for human peace and combine,don't let Japaneses swing a cruel flag in the Olympic stadium anymore.
IOCÀ§¿ø ¿©·¯ºÐÀÇ Çö¸íÇÑ °áÁ¤À» ±â´Ù¸®°Ú½À´Ï´Ù.
 We'll wait for your wise decision.


Dear IOC.
I am a boy who live in Korea.
I wrote this e-mail because Japenese support are rejection mind of Oltmpic for world peace.
Japenese are support their match through the rising-sun-flag.
The rising-sun-flag was Japenese marine's flag and this flags are symbol of Japenese imperialism and militarism.
It's human's sad track of war like German Nazi's symbol in 2nd world war and Gemany establish unlawfulness use the Nazi's flag and they are contributing world peace and harmony.
But Japenese grandly support the symbol of the most unsightly thirst for conquest and imperialism of rising-sun-flag of Olympic for world peace.
In past, most of Asia is invaded by Japan and theu are patient when they look rising-sun-flag.
It like Germanys' are supporting when they have a match with the France.
We don't want to see anymore the symbol of imperialism Japan rising-sun-flag when Olympic for world peace and prosperous.
So IOC really contribite world peace and properous, then please prevent Japenese support of rising-sun-flag.
Korea wany to your wise choice.
Thanks to read.

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Ç×ÀÇÁÂÇ¥; https://secure.registration.olympic.org/en/faq/ask-question 

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EX: Legendary designer Hiroko Koshino's uniforms for the women's and men's gymnastics teams feature

a stylized  version of the nation's rising sun flag

It's human's sad track of war like German Nazi's symbol in 2nd world war and Gemany establish unlawfulness use the Nazi's flag and they are contributing world peace and harmony.
But Japenese grandly support the symbol of the most unsightly thirst for conquest and imperialism of rising-sun-flag of Olympic for world peace.
In past, most of Asia is invaded by Japan and theu are patient when they look rising-sun-flag.
It like Germanys' are supporting when they have a match with the France.
We don't want to see anymore the symbol of imperialism Japan rising-sun-flag when Olympic for world peace and prosperous.

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