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June 01, 2012 General Officer Assignments

The chief of staff, Army announced today the following assignments:
Brig. Gen. Eric P. Wendt, deputy commander, Regional Command North, International Security Assistance
Force, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan,
to commanding general, Special Operations Command Korea, U.S. Forces Korea, Republic of Korea.  

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The bottom line is there are no U.S. boots in North Korea.
There is no attack on David Axe.
I don¡¯t want you to feel that's what [Pentagon spokesman George Little] is doing.
We are in agreement that the words you heard came out of his [Brig. Gen. Neil Tolley's] mouth.
I don¡¯t believe what you wrote is inaccurate. ¡¦ I heard him say those words
They [U.S. Forces Korea] are waking up. I believe they are going to re-look [at their statement.]
I can¡¯t get into defending what U.S. Forces Korea said.
I get where you¡¯re coming from. I heard the same words you heard. I don¡¯t want you to be without a job.
 Hopefully you can hang tough. Everyone here is doing the best they can in the absence of a transcript.
 It is a bit of a mind-stretch. ¡¦ The general may have said that and, in his mind, he was thinking hypothetically.


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