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Japanese night raiders are greeted with a lacework of anti-aircraft fire by the Marine defenders of Yontan airfield, on Okinawa. In the foreground are Marine Corsair fighter planes of the "Hell's Belles" squadron, 316th Fighter Squadron, Jan 20, 1945. T.Sgt. Chorlest. (Marine Corps)

USS Franklin, was attacked by a single Japanese plane which dropped two armor-piercing bombs, devastating the hangar deck and setting off ammunition. The USS Franklin was enveloped by fire, and casualties totaled 724 killed and 265 wounded. The USS Santa Fe rendering assistance after the carrier had been hit, the USS Franklin remained afloat and proceeded under her own power to Pearl Harbor for repairs on March 19, 1945.  Before dawn on 19 March 1945, USS Franklin maneuvered to within 50 miles of the Japanese mainland, closer than any other U.S. carrier during the war and launched a fighter sweep against Honshū and later a strike against shipping in Kobe Harbor.

 USS Bunker Hill hit by two Kamikazes in 30 seconds off Kyushu. On the morning of 11 May 1945, while supporting the Okinawa invasion, Bunker Hill was hit and severely damaged by two Kamikazes.

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