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´ë°¥À屺 | 2011-04-08 16:03:38

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Official: Troops' pay would be withheld until shutdown is resolved

UPDATED: April 6, 2011 at 4:25 p.m.

WASHINGTON — Troops will remain on duty even if politicians can¡¯t solve a budget impasse that threatens
to shutter the U.S. government after April 8, a senior Obama administration official said Wednesday.
But pay for any work done after the shutdown would have to wait until federal operations resumed
The military would be paid through the 8th¡± — or half a paycheck, the official said.
Beyond that period of time they would not be paid.


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I am a soldier in the U.S. Army and I have relied on my job to keep my family in a house and food on the table. If they do stop paying us ( the troops) what is going to happen to all the familys that have no other way to get income cause we cant just go get another job so how is it fair to help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and a shut down would make a big ripple in our defense of our nation cause there will be a record of awol soldiers cause they see it if im not getting payed why show up. I just say give the soldiers something

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