¹Ì»çÀÏ»ç°Å¸®, T-50 F-22ºñ±³ ,Çö¹«3-A, C Áö³­ Áߺ¹µÇ´Â »çÁøµé

w-honor | 2011-04-08 03:12:51

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South Korea develops new long-range missileÇö¹«3-C »çÁ¤°Å¸® 1500ų·Î¹ÌÅÍ

Ãâó : http://en.trend.az/regions/world/ocountries/1722542.html (Ãâó°¡ ¾ÆÁ¦¸£¹ÙÀÌÁ¨ÀÎÁö?)

South Korea has developed a new medium-range cruise missile capable of hitting sites in North Korea and also parts of China, Japan and Russia, unconfirmed reports said Saturday, dpa reported.

The Hyunmu-3C missile could strike any potential nuclear site in North Korea, according to broadcaster KBS and the Yonhap news agency, citing unnamed defence officials.

Tensions between the nuclear-armed North Korea and South Korea have escalated dramatically in the past year, with an international investigation blaming Pyongyang for the torpedoing of a South Korean navy ship in March.

The information on the missile, with a range of up to 1,500 kilometres, has not been confirmed officially.

The reports said the missiles would be deployed along the border with North Korea by the end of this year.

The US provides South Korea with a nuclear umbrella in case of war, with Seoul's missiles - until now - limited to 300km.


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The missile, which has a range of 500 kilometers, will be deployed to a guided missile headquarters to be established in the central part of the country and will be mounted on 1,800-ton class submarines to be introduced next year, the source said, requesting anonymity.
The rocket, dubbed ¡°Chonryong,¡± is the nation¡¯s longest-range missile.
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North KoreaTapodong 2 Missile Launcher ºÏÇÑÅÂdz¹Ì»çÀÏ

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US to deploy THAAD missile against North Korea missile threat


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