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±¤µ¹ÀÌ | 2007-02-12 05:37:47

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Russian Armed Forces: Bring on the Big Budget Boost

The Russian Ministry of Defense plans to replace nearly half of the Russian Army's hardware by 2015, according to Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov. Ivanov said military spending over the next 8 years was planned at $189 billion, and that official Russian military spending had quadrupled from 2001 to reach $31 billion this year.

Ivanov said weapons purchases would include "17 intercontinental ballistic missiles, 4 military spacecraft with the same number of launch rockets for them," as well as new bombers, ships, and other heavy equipment. The ICBMs are believed to be the new SS-27 Topol-M, and other plans reportedly include 50 new bombers, 31 ships of varying sizes, and fully re-arming 40 tank, 97 infantry and 50 parachute battalions. Some outside observers doubt Russia's ability to fulfill these plans, however, given a closed military procurement system, that's very resistant to scrutiny, in a country with a record of corruption.

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