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Potential flaw found in F-22A fighter jets
Posted on: Mar. 16th, 2006 || seattlepi.nwsource.com
Lockheed Martin Corp.'s F-22A fighter jet may have a structural flaw that would require redesign or major modifications to most of the planes delivered to date, says Bill Young, chairman of a House defense panel.

Young, a Florida Republican who chairs a House subcommittee on defense spending, said he told Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne that he opposes buying any more of the $338 million planes until the problem is diagnosed and fixed.

The problem involves the aft fuselage, which comes from The Boeing Co., a major partner on the fighter jet. Boeing also supplies the wings for the F-22A. That Boeing work is done mostly at the company's Developmental Center across from Boeing Field in south Seattle.

Fixing F-22 Flaw to Cost 'only' $100 Million
Posted on: May. 4th, 2006 || www.military.com
Monday's report by Defense News, which said fixing the F-22's structural flaws would cost $1 billion has been denied by Air Force spokesman Doug Karas.

The Air Force expects to fix the problem at a cost of around 100 million dollars, and the flawed components, Karas said, "do not affect safety of flight and, consequently, no restrictions have been put on F-22 flight operations."

A Lockheed Martin spokesman, prime contractor for the F-22, said Monday the company is working closely with Air Force experts to determine the extent of the problem.

Titanium was not properly heat-treated and doesn't meet Air Force standards. This created weaknesses in structures that attach the wing and tail to the plane's fuselage. The flaws were discovered during a routine inspection in December, at around the same time the fighter was declared ready for combat.

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