¼ÒÀ½Çü Nagant ¸®º¼¹ö (!!!)
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ÀÔ·Â 2007-04-20 21:32:11
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ù¹ø° »çÁø¿¡ °üÇÑ ±Û : One of post-war silenced Nagants with a Minireflex Moderator.

There is not too much information about a silenced Nagant revolver available, but they were really existing! No drawings (one from a German booklet, another in Russian source) exposes the bayonet mount construction of silencer. Jacket's outer diameter was somewhat bigger than o.d. of revolver cylinder. There were nine straight rubber "wipes" or baffles inside the jacket. Silencing effect of them degraded presumably after just a few shots due to the bullet shape of Nagant revolver cartridge: The very first flat-nosed bullet could drill a permanent hole through all the wipes.

Thickness of them was ca. 8 millimeters. They had a cross-like slices on their center. Because of thickness of the silencer jacket and concentric mounting of it, the silencer covered iron sights of Nagant entirely. Use of silenced Nagant was therefore a short-range job: Maximum effective range was about four arshins (2.85 meters) when the silenced Nagant was used by an average Red Partizan who was never practised "instinctive shooting" without use of sights at all.

It seems to be impossible to get reliable information about Nagant revolver silencer (photographs or detailed drawings, dimensions and weight). It was presumably never mass-produced because of it's impractical construction and large size.

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